
Valuations Gap is M&A Barrier
Asia Business Builders, Vietnam - Amidst Covid-19, which issues of the M&A in the real estate sector did you think that needed attention? Covid-19 has introduced additional uncertainty and risk into M&A transactions in all sectors including in real estate. The real estate market has been very resilient despite Covid-19. As the 2020 GDP growth ra...
Capital Structure
Sequeira Partners, Canada - Significant swings in the stock market. Interest rate cuts. Federal stimulus packages. Today we are facing volatility that is unprecedented. COVID-19 shutdowns and closures combined with the impact of the energy markets provide for a bleak economic outlook.
Value Insight – Estate Freezes
Sequeira Partners, Canada - “Never let a good crisis go to waste” The famous Churchill quote comes to mind during the coronavirus pandemic in a variety of ways. For business owners and finance professionals, the global economic slowdown, crashing oil prices, and business uncertainty is resulting in low current market valuations for a variety of...
Enterprise Saas – COVID Impact
Merisis Advisors, India - We’re now almost 2 months into the global pandemic and it’s still anyone’s guess how the world is going to look like going forward. We’re throwing our hat into the ring with our 2 cents on the enterprise Saas (software-as-a-service) market. Here’s our 4-pronged perspective :
COVID-19 Impact on the M&A Market Environment
The Fortune Group, USA - While it is too early to understand or evaluate the ultimate impact that the COVID-19 outbreak may have on the M&A market we want to share with you what we are currently seeing in the market based on our discussions with M&A industry participants, including our clients, buyers, banks and other financing groups, and fellow m...