
Valuing distressed companies

27th April 2021

BCC Advisers, USA - Struggling businesses face different financial challenges than healthy ones do. Business valuation experts must factor these differences into their estimations when valuing troubled companies.

A Masterclass Guide to Selling Your Mid-Sized Business

5th April 2021

How can I successfully sell my mid-sized business? If you have asked this very question, then this Masterclass is sure to give you the guidance and knowledge you need. 10 masterclasses taught by four internationally recognized investment bankers.

Several Positive Business Surprises During the Pandemic

18th March 2021

Edgepoint, USA - On occasion, I have been accused of having a “keen grasp of the obvious”. I will enhance that perception by stating that every aspect of our lives (personal, family, community, and business) has been in some regard negatively impacted during the COVID pandemic. Amidst the economic challenges and market hardships that have b...
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Selecting the Best Letter of Intent

2nd March 2021

Carter, Morse & Goodrich, USA - As part of a disciplined sale process, there comes that exquisite moment when the seller receives multiple Letters of Intent (“LOI”) from potential suitors. The objective is to select the optimal partner/investor that meets the goals of the seller. Let’s examine the essential factors that inform that selection....
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The case for emerging markets: It’s about time

19th February 2021

Evli, Sweden - We have always been excited about investing in emerging markets. Not everyone has shared our conviction, but now EM’s future seems so bright that we can’t resist providing our thoughts on why EM is positioned to outperform in the next several years.

ARTHOS advises Data Respons AS on its acquisition of frobese GmbH

4th February 2021

Arthos, Germany - Strengthening Data Respons’ position within software development and IT consulting for financial institutions. Data Respons AS has closed the acquisition of 100% of the shares in frobese GmbH Informatikservices (“Frobese”), a German company and successful team of experts specialized in software engineering services for bank...